Last Updated 09/06/02 1:41 PM PST
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the MSN TV Previews Program!! On behalf of the entire development team I'd like to thank you for volunteering to assist us in testing new upgrades and providing feedback to make each upgrade a success.
Please be sure to visit the newsgroup at least daily. The vast majority of communication takes place in there. Also click on the "Previewing" link on the side bar, you'll find a lot of information about what being a Previewer is all about.
I will be posting new Previewer information in the newsgroup over the next few days to help you along. There are still a number of veteran Previewers in the group that should be able to answer any question you may have.
Feel free to email me with any questions.
Welcome aboard,
Known Issues Area
Updated 06/12/02 3:46 PM PST
Version - 16707
- PTV functions will not work immediately after a crash: After crashing, when your unit reboots PTV functions will not and you may encounter other instability. Work around: Change channels immediately after unit reboots, or power cycle unit after the unit reboots.
- Multi-Dish Switch errors: If you see this error page, simply change the channel and hit the "Done" button, in this order.
- Green power light on when unit is off: This is still being investigated.
- Black screens: Please see Reporting Instructions for more details.
- Black Screens - partially fixed: We should notice a decrease in the number of black screens being seen. Please pay close attention to these and report them.
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