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Softmod Your Wii on 3.4 Firmware

  Most guides I have are pretty outdated - Best way to hack your WII now days is to use ModMii, super easy.

How to: Softmod Your Wii on 3.4 Firmware

This is a basic guide to do the Zelda Twilight Hack. This is for people who want to play backups on 3.4 firmware. enjoy! If you would like to use this guide for 3.3 and earlier firmware of the Wii you will need to replace the files in the "private" folder in the Zelda Hack Pack that I provide with the files from twilight-hack-v0.1-beta1 witch you can download from HERE.
Original guide by: pothsprojects Modified by: MattMan.

From Virgin to Softmod: An Illustrated Tutorial by MattMan
Here's a list of the things you'll need:

  • Nintendo Wii: with internet connection.
  • SD card: a 128mb - 2gb will work fine. Also make sure you have a SD card reader - most SD cards will come with a reader or your computer might already have a SD reader built in.
  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Get Zelda in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany or Canada)
  • DVD-R discs: I've used the Maxell 16x DVD-Rs and they worked perfect!

    1) Check what version you currently have: go to Settings / Wii Settings and you should see the version # on the top right side of the screen. NOTE: As of 2/25/09 3.4 is the most current version. Future versions may not work with the method described here. If your not on 3.4 the Zelda Hack Pack I provide in this guide will not work for you.

    2) Prepare SD card formatted as FAT or FAT32 with the following apps - (zip file is at bottom of this page) - Extract the files from the zip on to your SD card so it looks like this.

    3.) Put in RETAIL game of Zelda, play for like 20 secs until it says it's saving game. (please note if your Firmware is U or E)

    4) Exit zelda and look at the back for the correct verson. Since there are two released versions of Twilight Princess for the USA region, these users must first check the version of their game disc. Take your Zelda disc, flip it over so that the data side is facing you, and look for a small line of text next to the inner edge of the disc, between the raised circle of plastic and the data area. If the text reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-0", you have a v0 game and you should select the TwilightHack0 savegame. If the text reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-2", you have a v2 game and you should select the TwiilghtHack2 savegame. If you do not select the correct version of the save, the game will freeze and the hack will not work.

    5) Go into data management and delete the save game you just created.

    6) Load the beta 2 Zelda hack from SD card. Insert the prepared SD card into your Wii Switch to the SD view, locate the right version of the hack for your region, and copy it over to your Wii.

    7) Start zelda game again and you'll notice 2 zelda load games choose the correct one depending on the version of the disk ( -0 or -2 ). Since we are using System Menu 3.4, you can only use the Twilight Hack the first time right after copying. Rebooting the Wii or exiting again to the System Menu will cause the save to be deleted. Use the back button to return to the menu.

    8) Once game starts, go talk to the man standing there (or walk backwards) and it will begin the homebrew install - click the "1" button on your remote to accept it until the wii goes back to the main page.

    9) Once homebrew is installed, click on the channel and go to the custom manager 1.3 and install IOS 257 This is the custom WAD Manager you want to use (pictured). There is more than one on the SD card so make sure you are using the one you see the pointer on here. If you don't see the same one I have pictured here referr to this pic ~~HERE~~

    10) Exit and the Wii will reboot, go back to homebrew again and choose custom manager 1.3 again and run CIOS_Fix.WAD, then Wii gator.wad, then exit again.

    11) Choose IOS downgrader in homebrew and run that (this will take a few minutes- grab a beer). Note: if you get any errors during this process, you need to keep running it until all install without errors - Some users have experienced this). If you don't see the same one I have pictured here referr to this pic ~~HERE~~

    12) Go back into the homebrew one last time after ios downgrader is done and choose CIOSV10 (has sonic icon) and install this.

    13)Congrats!! You're ready to go on 3.4 You should now see The Homebrew and WiiGator channels on the system menu.

    14) Insert backup game, and click on wii gator icon to launch game (note if you are running NTSC box and trying to play out of region game, hold in "B", go to config options and FORCE NTSC to on or the pal game will not play) - Remeber to Patch your ISO with WiiBrickBlocker! Before you burn your ISO to DVD-R (optional). By patching the ISO, you'll prevent any auto updates that might stop your homebrew channel from working. You can download it from the official site: http://wbb.rockman18.com/?page=home&ln=en

    15) If you are downloading games, I recommend downloading in your region. Example, if you are in the USA, download NTSC games only. This will make it so you don't have to FORCE NTSC on and less chance of a brick.

    16) This guide would be for a complete up to date system as of 3/4/2009 running v3.4.

    Zelda Hack Pack Link: TURDinc. Downloads Updated pack with WiiGator 002Fix and CIOSV10 Please note the file you are looking for is called zelda_hack_Pack_wii34_gamecube.zip



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